选择区域/City: 北京/Beijing
房源描述/Apartment Features
  • Project Name: Chateau Regalia/丽高王府
  • Property Code: AN20230321A
  • District: ISB/Dulwich/德威/顺义国际学校
  • Location:
  • Nature: Villa Rental 别墅租赁
  • Area: 900m²
  • No. of BR: 5BR
  • Direction: 南北
  • Floor:
  • Decoration: 精装修
  • Rent: ¥80k/m
楼盘描述/Estate description

Chateau Regalia Villa Beijing - 丽高王府
Chateau Regalia is located in the north-east suburb of capital Beijing, along the scenic Wenyu River.   Directly accessible by the Airport Expressway via Yanglin Road Toll Station. There is a 4,500sqm French chateau-resembled clubhouse with outdoor swimming pool, gymnasium, sauna, etc.  Close to Pinnicle Plaza with amenities for retail, commercial and entertainments. Beijing Dulwich International School and Montessori International School and Swedish School are within minutes walk; Western Academy of Beijing and International School of Beijing are just on the other side of Jing Shun Road.
1、Located near the Yang Lin Avenue Exit of the Airport Road, about ten minutes drive to the Lufthansa Commercial Center.
2、It takes an area of 169,000 sqm near the Wen Yu River scenery line which lasts for 3,300 meters. It stresses the quite and graceful garden-like life environment. Here exist three luxurious layouts i.e. detached villas, duplex apartment and international apartments. Apartment area varies from 130sqm to 275sqm. Area of villas is from 323sqm to 544sqm. Besides, basement, two underground garages and garden are presented for free.
3、Inside: gym, swimming pool, dinning hall, café, tennis room, squash courts, table tennis room, ping pong, children's playground, sauna, convenience stores.
Nearby: supermarket, shopping center, educational institutes, restaurants, etc.
4、HBO, CNN, BBC, CNBC, ESPN, NHK, Star TV, Star sports, Star World, Phoenix

丽高王府地处北京东北市郊贵胄名流聚居之高尚别墅区域,临近机场路杨林大道出口。一路迅弛后由高速路专设出口转道,在蓝天白云下游经鸟语花香的青葱翠绿,当无边的幽香田园洗涤您心灵之际,丽高王府的巍峨门庭耸现眼前。 丽高王府占地169,000平方米,临3,300米温榆河滨自然绿化长廊,绿荫流水,气息怡人。 丽高豪园贵族式别墅采用南欧古典设计,室内建筑面积323-544平方米。丽高华邸7 栋Townhouse式低密度复式公寓,建筑面积256-272平方米。丽高王府外观色彩丰富,鲜明的色调,有着童话世界的感觉,又充斥着南欧热情,与高尚静谧的温榆河区形成强烈对比。 丽高王府规划建设132幢独立贵族别墅丽高豪园、7幢四层低密度连排复式名流府第丽高华邸及8幢八至九层高精英级公寓丽高公寓,并建有大型豪华俱乐部。 ,别致的坡形屋顶,抑扬承转,室内超高层距,独立双车库、配赠地库空间、私人庭园,非凡尊尚。 户型华贵宽敞,复式设计细腻,通透的阳光大窗让户外的如诗绿油景象映照一室,让田园的盎然情趣流溢心灵 。 丽高国际公寓欧风设计,气派典雅,建筑面积129-221平方米,配置名厂电梯,楼外绿草芬芳,座拥都市无法比拟之宁静自然,惬意处仅能心领神会。丽柏公寓逾4500平方米的贵族会所则由美国Robert Bilkey包办设计,他最为人称道的作品是“上海浦东金茂大厦君悦酒店”,也是被公认为中国最具档次的酒店之一。Robert Bilkey的设计采用新古典风格设计,深具欧洲贵族独特气息,典雅堂皇。会所含露天泳池、桑拿浴室、健身房、餐厅酒廊、多功能厅等,是真正的精英休闲场所。

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