选择区域/City: 北京/Beijing
房源描述/Apartment Features
  • Project Name: Forest Hills/东山墅
  • Property Code: 20100813006
  • District: Downtown Villa/城市官邸
  • Location:
  • Nature: Property for sale 房产出售
  • Area: 1100m²
  • No. of BR: 6BR
  • Direction:
  • Floor:
  • Decoration: 豪华装修
  • Price: ¥100000/m²
  • Amount: ¥110000k
楼盘描述/Estate description
Forest Hills 东山墅

东山墅占地100公顷,整体规划为11大半岛组团,155席独栋别墅点缀在森林、河流、湖泊、溪谷之间,以80万平米的绿化面积、4.5万平米水面、0.32低容积率,创造出都市中的自然奇迹。 东山墅由太合控股、三元集团组合投资,北京太合嘉园房地产开发有限责任公司开发,从设计到施工会集众多世界顶级专业公司,其中美国著名建筑师道格拉斯·道林先生亲自主持设计6款经典户型,面积从400平方米至1150平方米,运用国际前瞻的建筑设计理念,使东山墅成为真正的世界级建筑。
Forest hills is located just along the eastern side of the East 4th Ring Road,north far from chaoyang park.It’s oe of the closest villa properties to downtown and has easy access to the Luffthansa shopping center,the third embassy area,and the Lido business area.The property consists of 155 luxurious detached villas,each of which has a basement,a large private garden and a garage.It is designed by a famous American architect,who combines international architectural concepts into the project,including private docks around the lake and enclosed werandas near the water where residents can listen to the sound of water.
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