选择区域/City: 北京/Beijing
房源描述/Apartment Features
  • Project Name: Gemdale Intl apartment/金地国际公寓
  • Property Code: AN250201A
  • District: Dawang Road/大望路商圈
  • Location:
  • Nature: Apartment Rental 公寓租赁
  • Area: 134m²
  • No. of BR: 2BR
  • Direction:
  • Floor:
  • Decoration: 精装修
  • Rent: ¥23k/m
楼盘描述/Estate description

Gemdale Intl Garden / 金地国际
Jianguo Menwai, beyond the 3rd Ring Road, and opposite SOHO New Town. It is located inside the CBD area, which is close to the China World Center.
Description:Gemdale Int'l Garden a Guraded community with nice club facilites.
No.15 Jianguo Road, Langjiayuan, Chaoyang district, 800 meters to Guomao Trade Circle, opposite SOHO New Town, 20km to the airport and 100 meters to the Xidawangroad exit of MRT. Covering 50,000sqm, it is made of Gold Field International Office Building and Gold Field International Apartment Buildings. Gold Field International Office Building is made of one 150-meter-high grade-A office building, and one 100-meter-high serviced apartment, connecting tow towers of the three-tire commercial group-building. The whole gross area on the ground is 120,000sqm. Gold Field International Apartment Buildings is made of five high-rise apartment buildings and one center club. The gross area on the ground is about 128,000sqm. The highest building is 34 stories. And it has 5 slab-typed buildings. Each is divided into tow units with three kinds: 24 stories, 30 stories and 34 stories. There is a central park in it. Inside: supermarket, Chinese and Western restaurant, café, boutique, exhibition hall, meeting room, bank, post office, gym, swimming pool Nearby: educational institutes; Lufthansa Shopping Center, Pacific Department Store, Guiyou Shopping Mall, Silk Street Market; Chaoyang Park, Workers'Stadium; Sanlitun Bars Street; Peking Union Medical College Hospital
地理位置:项目位于北京市朝阳区建国路郎家园15号,具有独特的位置优势 交通条件:项目距首都国际机场25公里,通过东四环与首都机场高速公路、京津塘高速公路连接,尽享城市路网提供的快速交通;项目距地铁一号线大望路站仅百米之遥,尽享城市地铁提供的便捷交通 总体介绍: 地国际花园由南区的金地国际大厦和北区的金地国际公寓组成,是一个集国际标准的甲级写字楼、服务式公寓和高档外销公寓于一体的综合性地产项目。
金地国际花园A区(南区)由一栋150米高的国际甲级写字楼,一栋100米高的服务式公寓和连接两栋塔楼的三层商业裙楼组成,地上总建筑面积约为12万平方米。 金地国际花园B区(北区)由五栋高层公寓和一座中心会所组成,地上总建筑面积约为12万8千平方米。楼高错落,最高达34层,100米。生动活泼的天际线,和南区联合创造了一个具有标志性的国际化商务和居住区。

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