选择区域/City: 北京/Beijing
房源描述/Apartment Features
  • Project Name: Palm Springs/棕榈泉
  • Property Code: AN20241002B
  • District: ChaoYang Park/朝阳公园
  • Location:
  • Nature: Apartment Rental 公寓租赁
  • Area: 191m²
  • No. of BR: 3BR
  • Direction:
  • Floor:
  • Decoration: 精装修
  • Rent: ¥28k/m
楼盘描述/Estate description

Palm Springs Apartment Beijing/ 棕榈泉国际公寓
On the north of the Beijing Palm Springs International Apartment lies the Chaoyang Park South Road, on the west lies the Tianshuiyuan Street, on the east is the Zaoying Road and on the south is the Yaojiayuan Road. It is 1500m to the East 3rd Ring Road on the west, 1000m to the East 4th Ring Road on the east, facing the Chaoyang Park that is on the other side of the road. It is located at the newly built high-level living block ---- the core of Chaoyang Park Block. It is considered to be one of the most livable regions. Chaoyang Park, with a distance of 2.8 km from south to north, and 1.5 km from east to west, and with a total planned area of 280 hectares, including a water area of 67 hectares and a land area of 213 hectares, is called as the Green Liver of the Capital City. It is close to the CBD circle in the south, neighboring with the Yansha emporia circle and being adjacent to the Second and Third Embassy Zones. The CBD circle is the most prosperous emporia area both at present and in the future. Many of Beijing’s high-level office buildings are located here. Yansha emporia circle to the north enjoys numerous famous hotels and first-class office buildings. It is one of the most traditional international emporia circles in Beijing. And as near to the two Embassy Zones, this area has become one of the most foreigner-concentrated areas in Beijing
       棕榈泉国际公寓位于东三环与东四环之间,长虹桥往东1公里,本项目北临亚洲最大的城市公园-朝阳公园及郡王府公园,南近风景秀丽的红领巾公园。 棕榈泉国际公寓占地面积为7万平米,总建筑面积近三十万平米,包括11栋23层-33层的公寓楼;一座大型社区幼儿园;及一座商场和5000平米的高级会所组成的高档生活社区,小区11栋楼采用围合对称式布局,以体现辉宏的气势,并形成集中的3万平米的中央大花园,使小区绿化率达到50%以上。
       其38000平方米的中庭主题花园和下沉式广场,在寸土寸金的京城商务区域绝无仅有,10000平方米的超五星级豪华会所,更是京城独有。 小区每栋楼的一层都采用架空式的设计手法,架空部分直达地下车库,使视野通透,大堂的绿化及地下车库的绿化使园林空间互相渗透,小区采用人车分流设计,设计师充分考虑北京地区寒冷的气候特点在设计中合理组织空间、安排布局,使每户均能得到好的朝向和景观,另外每户都采用明卫设计,既保证良好的通风,又可观景,小区内2#5#楼设计为豪华住宅,它特有的室外观光电梯设计使业主在回家的途中即可观赏到朝阳公园的美景。

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